We’re not perfect. But look at it this way–you’ll fit right in!

  Overwhelmed by the gracious gift of salvation we have found in Jesus, our heart is for sharing that–
through reaching, discipling and serving others.
We’d love to have you join us.
W H A T   W E   D O

Our Mission


 Lizella Baptist Church exists to lead people into relationship with Jesus Christ by reaching, discipling, and serving others.

Image of hands painted red in the shape of a heart.

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Part of Lizella life is caring enough for others to reach out to them in love. 
Not everyone is ready for religion, but everyone is born ready to be loved.
How we reach out may look a little different for every  person, but one thing we know according to John 3:16, God loves the whole world
–every person He creates–
and He wants them all to know Him.
When we reach out to others in love, we are blessed in following His example
and they are blessed by His love.  
Image of a group of peers at a picnic.

Click here to get plugged in. 


What does that word even mean?  To disciple is to teach, to come alongside, to lead by example, and to help develop & grow others.  To be discipled not only means to learn, but to do…to actively follow.
We are committed to providing opportunity at
every age and spiritual development level to grow and strengthen others through sincere relationships, both with the Lord
and with others. 
Discipling in this way offers growth for all believers.  As we each follow Christ, we model the path for others on their journey & help them along the way. 
Image of a group of young adults praying together.

Click here to explore ways to serve.


Jesus was a servant leader.  We believe God has called us to be a church that follows Him by turning our hearts and focus to serving our neighbors where they are.  
Sometimes that’s inside the church; sometimes not.  God gifts each of His followers in someway that He plans to use for His Kingdom. It can be a great adventure to discover how you fit into His grand plan! 
What we know is that if God has brought you here, He has a place in mind for you to
serve and a purpose here for you to fulfill.  It is not His intention for us to do what we aren’t gifted for, or to burn out doing everything.  He intends for us to be blessed
by being a blessing to others.
we make a difference
W H A T   TO   E X P E C T 



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1 0 0   Y E A R S   OF   B L E S S I N G S . . .W H A T ‘ S   N E X T 
For us, it’s a game-changer because it determines everything we do going forward as a church.

Chris Minton

Lead Pastor

Our Team

Ashton Rickman
Director or Worship Ministries


Chris Minton
Lead Jesus-Follower &  Pastor
Rick Parsons
Executive & Missions Pastor 
J.C. Hitzing
StudentLife Pastor a.k.a. “The Bear”

Jesus is Calling

I’ve read and heard many people say that we won’t reach people in the church…that we have to move outside the church in order to reach people.  I think I understand what they mean but I’m not so sure I agree.  
Mark 1:45 says, “However, he went out and began to proclaim it freely, and to spread the matter, so that Jesus could no longer openly enter the city, but was outside in deserted places; and they came to Him from every direction.”
This man went out and told others what Jesus had done for him.  The people knew of his prior condition but now they were seeing a different man.  When we allow Jesus to transform us into His image, when we truly live as Christ, then people will take notice and want to know what happened–how that transformation came about.  They will want to know where we go to church, where they can find that for themselves.  And when they show up at a church where true transformational change is taking place, they will desire to be part of that fellowship and come to know who Jesus is and what He can do in their lives.
Our issue is not the modern day church; it is the modern day version of a walk with Christ.  Our issue is not offering a better program, but rather offering a better display of who Jesus is and what He can do and has done in our lives.  Invite Jesus into your life, your church, and your fellowship and watch Him draw people to Himself.  He is faithful.

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F R O M   T H E   B L O G

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