G O T   A   Q U E S T I O N?

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Thank you for indicating you have a question about a personal relationship with Jesus! 
Pastor Rick loves to answer questions on faith in Christ.  You can email him directly at rick@lizellabaptist.com anytime or just fill out the form to the left. 
If you would prefer more anonymity, click the link below and someone on the prayer team with the Billy Graham Evangelical Association will prayerfully consider your question and respond to
you individually.
Maybe you want to know where to look in the Bible for answers…
Who is Jesus?  Check out Isaiah 9:6-7, Luke 2, or the gospel of John here.
Why do I need to be saved?  Exodus 20 or Romans 5:12, 3:23, 6:23 here.
How can I be saved?  Acts 16:30-31 or Romans 10:9-13 here.
How does one pray?  Jesus gave us a model.  Matthew 6:9-13 here.