S U N D A Y    M O R N I N G  



8:30 AM  

Meets in the Sanctuary (steepled chapel off S. Lizella Rd.)
Music features piano & organ sound with a small praise team singing mostly hymns and the occasional praise chorus.
Childcare provided for nursery and toddlers.  Other kids get “busy’ bags with things to do during worship.  Check-in for nursery (& activity bags) happens at the Preschool Welcome Desk in Building B.
Image of sanctuary worship at 8:30 AM

Click to plan your visit for this service.


11 AM

Meets in the Building C Worship Center at the rear of campus, whether you
enter at S. Lizella Road or Hwy. 80.
Music is blended contemporary with a praise band, drums & praise team. 
Childcare is provided up to 5th grade on most Sundays.  Nursery through
4K are in the Preschool area and K-5 are in Building D.  KidsLife Building is on the Hwy. 80 parking side. Nursery is on the S. Lizella Road entrance side.
Image of late worship at 11 AM.

Click here to plan your visit for this service.

D I S C I P L E S H I P  



Sunday School

9:45 AM on Sundays
Sunday School is where church becomes family.  Yes, there are lessons
every week (& homework), but if you are truly seeking to walk in Christ
with other believers, a Sunday School class is where you’ll find that
camaraderie, love, care and support your family will be blessed by in
times of crisis.
Jesus said, in this world you will have trouble.  What we know is, this
world is not a kind place.  It is groaning under the weight of sin.  Sin
hurts not only the sinner but everyone around them in some fashion. 
Sunday School is the church’s answer to providing comfort,
understanding, support, compassion and companionship along your
journey, whether you are on the mountaintop, or in the valley.  
When you plan your visit, your ambassador will recommend a class
for you to try if you’re willing.  Our classes are like families.  You will
grow to love them and they will love on you.  There are occasionally
people who will act like your crazy aunt, but that’s okay.  God will give
grace to love even those who aren’t there yet.  (All of us.)   Give it a try.
You’ll be blessed.
Image of Mountain and valleys with trees

Click here for help selecting a class.


 Bible Study & Life Groups

Sundays at 5 PM (Sanctuary)
End of Times Study is an in-depth study of Bible prophecy as it relates to end times. This study meets for weekly small group study and typically
rotates through studies of the Book of Daniel, the Revelation, and sometimes includes other books.  
Wednesdays at 10 AM & 6 PM (Building A Gathering Place)
Study of the Book of Romans is a verse-by-verse study..
Sometimes with humor from Pastor Chris, and occasionally taking a break for a guest speaker on a different topic, this study is done twice on Wednesdays to accommodate busy schedules and those who do not drive at night.
Life Groups (Off-Campus)
Topical Studies are offered in small group home settings on a variety of topics throughout the year.  Material is selected from RightNowMedia and is typically video-based teaching with a volunteer facilitator.  These groups also typically share a meal and fellowship in an informal setting.
Image of hands thumbing through Bible.

Click here to connect to a group.


 You’ve Got Options.